Resort Landscape Design
A club house Landscape Design always combines a social human activity with the fact of being in the middle of a natural environment. The project maximizes this combination: social interaction, it is a “ club” and landscape; A certain centrality, recognition is always needed; By being a clubhouse, no matter it is a small building, the project is the center, the heart, of a big natural area: it needs visibility without being invasive in the landscape.
But now it is possible for everyone to execute a Cost effective Landscape design with the help of 5 elements landscape architects.
We Landscape architects will Guide you give a clear idea what all can be done for the Clubhouse Landscape so that people can utilize the most of amenities & surroundings. We can guide clients to make Clubhouse surrounding more greener by providing them with Local Plan Species, so that they can choose from these wide varieties of plants in order to add elegance to their outdoor landscape areas.
SPOORTI RESORT is one of the most exclusive and arguably the best clubs of North Karnataka and South Maharashtra.It features state of the art sporting and recreational facilities. It has a hotel block and party venues to celebrate life's best events.
Spoorti is promoted by Siddharth Reality India Private Ltd (SRIPL). SRIPL is a well-established name in the Real Estate Industry, with an experience of over two decades in development of residential & commercial layouts. SRIPL has developed some of the finest and largest layouts in northern part of Karnataka. SRIPL has won many awards and recognitions in plotted developments & CSR. SRIPL's guiding force are Mr. Anupam Runwal and Mr. Rajendra Runwal. Spoorti has emerged from the vision to create top class facility which would be the gateway to health and happiness to the people of the region. It is spread across 3.5 acres of land. Spoorti is growing with club members using its facilities extensively. Spoorti is adequately staffed and managed by professionals.
SPOORTI is one of the most exclusive and arguably the best clubs of North Karnataka and South Maharashtra. It features state of the art sporting and recreational facilities.

Stage-1: Conceptual Design stage
The scope of works under this stage shall include the following:
Meet and consult with the client & concern people to obtain clarity of the project & character to develop & establish the desirable.
Analyze existing site conditions, which affects & influence the design.
Review applicable codes and regulations, shall be provided by client or from his appointed agents.
Prepare overall program requirement and design concept for all the open spaces for the whole development.
Prepare and submit the initial budgetary estimate based on the approved conceptual design.
Stage-2: Design development stage
The scope of works under this stage shall include the following:
Coordination of exterior “Hardscape” design only including general grading, storm water runoff, paving, Roads and culverts, Road crossings for utilities, water features, walkways, decorative elements, irrigation, landscape lighting, and other fixed site furniture etc.
Upon client/authorized approval of each Design development and Cost Estimate, the Landscape Project Architect shall further refine the concept in the form of construction documentation.
Preparation of refined design studies to coordinate Landscape development with Architectural, structural and M & E design considerations.
The services/deliverables for the design development phase shall consist of:
Preparation of only hardscape layout plans for open spaces indicating proposed material references. (Excluding all architectural and interior elements)
Preparation of sections and elevations as required in communicating the Landscape Design.
Preparation of core plant palette in order to illustrate planting theme. (NA)
Preparation of cost estimates for the landscape based on design development drawings for the project for review by QS/Cost consultant.
3. Stage-3: Construction Working Drawings Stage
Prepare complete Landscape plans at appropriate scale. These shall include the following:
Layout plan with accurate location of only hardscape material features
Civil constructional drawings related to the landscape.
Grading plan -- proposed level for all graded areas based on a survey of existing elevation
Lighting layout -- indicates the location and type of light fixtures. This will not include the design of the electrical system
Landscape planting plan at appropriate scale. The plan will provide proposed types, species and location for all plant materials to be used. (NA)
The Landscape Architect shall prepare the BOQ, Technical specifications, and drawings for execution purpose.
Assist Client in conjunction with QS/Cost Consultant/PMC in appropriate selection of contractor to execute the works.
Prepare written construction specifications complimenting working drawings to ensure proper supply and installation of landscape materials.
4. Stage-4: Graphic Documentation
Wherever required for documentation, we will provide photos, sketches, sections, catalogue, and references.
This shall also include for sample approval of landscape elements during design development/tendering/construction stages
3d views at additional cost.
5. Stage-5: Construction Stage
Evaluate/ observe on-going construction activity by attending scheduled progress meeting with the client and/or his appointed agents.
Evaluate alternate proposals/substitutions of the Contractor.
The consultant shall coordinate mechanical irrigation system in conjunction with MEP/ service consultant submitted by the contractor in the form of shop drawings.
Issue instructions/appropriate drawings/document to the contractor in connection with the changes proposed by Client/Client representative/Landscape Architect with prior approval by the Client for execution.
Assist QS/Cost consultant in negotiation and finalization of variations with the contractor in connection with the changes made by the parties as stated above.
Interpret Landscape construction document.
The Consultant shall inspect and comment on the construction methods and final product executed by the contractor, but would not be responsible for the construction and actual execution, other than as mentioned above.
6. Stage-6: Close out and Handover stage
Assist client and PMC at the time of closeout and handover by the contractor, ensure the quality of executed work by the contractor in all respects and identify the defects if any in terms of snags and prepare a report and submit, in conjunction with PMC/ Client representative during the closeout including free maintenance period.